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Upcoming Events and Performances
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Apr 05MinneapolisThis is a collaborative, multimedia event featuring a theatrical production, sacred arts and poetry. There will be choral music by Byrd, Hildegard von Bingen, Schutz, and Palestrina.
- Fri, Apr 18St. Clement Catholic ChurchA candlelit service for Passiontide featuring the Tenebrae Responsories of Tomas Luis de Victoria, sung by the Holy Cross Tenebrae Singers, conducted by Samuel Backman.
- Sat, Apr 26MinneapolisA concert of works by Ralph Vaughan Williams featuring the Oratorio Society of Minnesota under the baton of Dr. Matthew Mehaffey.
- Thu, May 15Saint PaulSamuel's newly composed "Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine" will be premiered as part of a celebration of the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea featuring the choirs of Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Constantine Ukrainian Catholic Church, Holy Cross Catholic Church, and the St. Paul Seminary.
- Fri, Jun 13Saint PaulProgram to be determined!
- Sun, Jun 15NorthfieldThe Twin Cities (Minn.) AGO Chapter will host a Pipe Organ Encounter for young people, ages 13 - 18, at St. Olaf College in Northfield. Samuel Backman is a member of the organ faculty for this event.
- Mon, Jun 23Saint PaulSamuel serve as faculty for the 35th Annual Sacred Music Colloquium of the Church Music Association of America, to be held at the University of Saint Thomas from June 23-28.
Recent Past Events
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